jQuery is a popular Javascript library that developers often use for client-side development. Improving performance when working with jQuery involves understanding its best practices and optimizing your code for efficiency. Here are some tips along with sample code snippets to illustrate:

  1. Cache jQuery Objects:

    Instead of repeatedly querying the DOM for the same elements, cache them in variables.

    For example:

    $('.myElement').css('color', 'red');


    Should be changed to:

    var $myElements = $('.myElement');

    $myElements.css('color', 'red');


  2. Using Chaining

    When a DOM element undergoes a change, it allows for the chaining of similar object references into groups for execution. This enables the reuse of existing jQuery objects, eliminating the need for repetitive creation, improve performance.

    For example:


    $('#myContents').css('border', '1px solid');

    $('#myContents').css('background-color', 'red');

    Should be changed to:

    $('#myContents').addClass('active').css('border', '1px solid').('background-color', 'red');

  3. Use Efficient Selectors

    jQuery selectors can be slow, especially complex ones. Use efficient selectors like IDs or classes with a tag name.

    For example:

    $('ul li[data-category="books"]:first-child');

    Should be changed to:

    $('#books-list li:first-child');
  4. Event Delegation

    Use event delegation for handling events on dynamically added elements. Attach event listeners to a parent container rather than individual elements.

    For example:

    $('.list-item').click(function() {
    // Handle click event

    Should be changed to:

    $('.list-container').on('click', '.list-item', function() {
    // Handle click event
  5. Use .on() instead of Shortcut Methods

    $.on() is more versatile and performs better than shortcut methods like .click(), .hover(), etc., especially when binding multiple events.

    For example:

    $('.button').click(function() {
    // Click handler

    Should be changed to:

    $('.button').on('click', function() {
    // Click handler
  6. Use .prop() for Boolean Attributes

    When dealing with boolean attributes like checked, use .prop() instead of .attr() for better performance.

    For example:

    $('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', true);

    Should be changed to:

    $('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);
  7. Minimize DOM Access in Loops

    If you're iterating over a collection of elements, cache your selections outside the loop to avoid repeated DOM queries.

    For example:

    $('.list-item').each(function() {

    Should be changed to:

    var $listItems = $('.list-item');
    $listItems.each(function() {

    By following these tips, you can significantly improve the performance of your jQuery code, making it faster and more efficient. Hope this helps!





    Image source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/html-css-collage-concept-with-person_36295465.htm